Support Friendship Bench DC
Friendship Bench DC is an initiative being piloted by HelpAge USA, inspired by psychiatrist Dr. Dixon Chibanda’s Friendship Bench model in Zimbabwe. With more than 100 scientific, peer-reviewed studies, this evidence-based program trains “grandmothers” to provide basic talk therapy to people of all ages on wooden “Friendship Benches” situated in safe spaces within communities, effectively addressing anxiety and depression.
Now, HelpAge USA is bringing the program to Washington, DC, with a focus on serving low-income individuals and African Americans in Wards 7 and 8—who have been historically marginalized and are more likely to experience mental health problems compared with other DC residents.
Through Friendship Bench DC, community members can schedule an appointment to meet with a trained Friendship Bench DC Grandparent at one of our host partner sites, which include senior wellness centers, schools, and places of worship. Here, they are able to confidentially share their story with a trusted older person who listens with empathy and allows them to talk through their feelings without being judged.
Please donate to help ensure a Friendship Bench is accessible to all who need a listening ear within DC.
Learn more about Friendship Bench DC at helpageusa.org/friendshipbench.